[email protected] 0370 631160

Pilih subjek yang menarik bagi Anda

Koleksi baru dan diperbarui
Merupakan daftar koleksi-koleksi terbaru kami. Tidak semuanya baru, adapula koleksi yang data-datanya sudah diperbaiki. Selamat menikmati

Yang populer di antara koleksi kami
Koleksi-koleksi kami yang dibaca oleh banyak pengunjung perpustakaan. Cari. Pinjam. Kami harap Anda menyukainya

Penikmat Koleksi tahun ini
Pengunjung terbaik kami, ada di sini. Nama dan foto Anda juga bisa muncul di sini. Rajin-rajinlah berkunjung dan membaca

E Library Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

The Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram E-Library service is here to complement the existing Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram library services. Through this service, the community is made easier to borrow and read books, magazines, and newspapers. For You, reading books and jotting down points from what is read is very important for life reflection. This is what he did when he lay helplessly as a result of the cannonball hitting his leg. From reading, Ignatius was empowered to make the right decisions and continue to renew his life (MAGIC) so that God was pleased with him. Hopefully with these two library services, members of Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram library members will be more diligent in reading quality books because they imitate the life attitude, the patron of Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram !

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Warta Perpustakaan


Jln. Prabu Rangkasari, Dasan Cermen, Kel. Sandubaya, Mataram