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The governance of female drug users
This book is about the ways in which the governance of illicit drug
use shapes female users’ lives. It examines how women drug users’
subjectivities, and hence their experiences, are shaped and regulated
by drug policies. The construction of female users’ subjectivities in
policy discourse and the impact the characteristics ascribed to them has
on these women’s experiences are explored. The insights are based on
in-depth accounts from the perspectives of women users themselves. It
is argued that in the regulation of illicit drug-using women, particular
subjectivities are constructed which, in themselves, become part of
the narrative sustaining women in their problematic drug use. It is
suggested that women users experience drug policy as something that
exacerbates their social and economic marginalisation, and contributes
to their lives being plunged into further poverty, social and economic
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