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Principles of security and trust :8th International Conference, POST 2019, held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6-11, 2019 : proceedings
This volume contains the papers presented a t POST 2019, the 8th Conference on Principles of Security and Trust, held April 11, 2019, in Prague, Czech Republic, as part of ETAPS. Principles of Security and Trust is a broad forum related to all theoretical and foundational aspects of security and trust, and thus welcomes papers of many kinds: new theoretical results, practical applications of existing foundational ideas , and innovative approaches stimulated by pressing practical problems; as well as systemization-of-knowledge papers, papers describing tools, and position papers.
POST was created in 2012 to combine and replace a number o f successful and long- standing workshops in this area: Automated Reasoning and Security Protocol Analysis (ARSPA), Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST), Security in Concurrency (SecCo), and the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS). A subset of these events met jointly as an event affiliated with ETAPS 2011 under the name “ Theory of Security and Applications” (TOSCA). There were 27 submissions to POST 2019. Each submission was reviewed by at
least three Program Committee members, who in some cases solicit ed the help of outside experts to review the papers. W e employed a double -blind reviewing process with a rebuttal phase. Electronic discussion was used to decide which papers to select for the program. The commit tee decide d to accept ten papers (37%) . The papers are organized in topi cal sections named : Covert Channels and Information Flow; Privacy and Protocols; Distributed Systems.
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