Dibalik kelezatannya, nyatanya cokelat (kakao) memerlukan daya olah yang tidak sederhana. Barangkali sebagian besar dari kita juga tidak tahu bahwa biji cokelat Indonesia sering dihargai rendah di skala pasar internasional. Suatu paradoks sebetulnya mengingat Indonesia termasuk enam besar negara pemasok kakao di dunia. Runutan uraian—dari mengapa biji kakao Indonesia rendah, variatif perso…
Access to information about microorganisms is essential for Aexpanding our knowledge of their diversity, enabling us to make sustainable use of them, and achieving the benefits they provide to our society. This catalog was compiled by the FORKOMIKRO team and is an update from the previous 3 editions. The book contains more than 4500 entries of microorganisms from 5 collectors in Indonesia, i.e.…