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Songs on the Road :Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan
The chapter proceeds from the sense of mutual dependence that existed between rudimentary warrior-elites and specialized supp-liers of prestige in archaic Greek and Indo-Iranian societies. While this tension was fraught with the danger of bankruptcy and disloy-alty, it also fostered new modes of antinomian religiosity. The Greek and Vedic comparanda revolve around the notion of sacrifice as a path to fame and immortality. We catch a glimpse into such elabo-rate notions in a Vedic myth about three idealized craftsmen, the R̥bhus, who are rewarded with immortality by the gods for their ritual services. Similar notions are linked to the mythical figure of Orpheus and the sectarian ideals of purity and abstinence among Orphics and Pythagoreans in ancient Greek society. The chapter considers how such deep-rooted ritualistic conceptions inform the frame of mind characteristic of the wandering sage, including the notion of self-care.
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