Breastfeeding is the preferred method of feeding in early life. It is also one of the most cost-effective childhood survival interventions. Breastfeeding practices are important for preventing child mortality and morbidity, as well as ensuring the optimal growth, health, and development of infants. The public health benefits of breastfeeding have been well documented in the medical literature, …
Early-onset and enduring developmental deficits in attention, especially if combined with increased hyperactivity, and impulsivity, may result in constant impairments in multiple domains of personal life. The full spectrum of symptoms is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity, which is maladaptive and inconsistent with a comparable level of develop…
Play benefits all children, and has protective and preventative functions. Yet there is not a single, universally agreed definition of child health, nor of children's play. This makes insights from around the globe, highlighting the under-recognized link between the two, highly valuable. Theorists and practitioners evidence the healing power of play and positive health outcomes through interven…
Buku cerita bergambar ini berkisah tentang Bora, Si Pohon Lontar yang tinggal di Pulau Rote, pulau berpenghuni paling selatan di Indonesia. Di Rote, Bora tinggal bersama teman-temannya. Masyarakat di pulau ini sangat menghargai keberadaan lontar karena tanaman tersebut memiliki beragam manfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tak heran jika kemudian Bora dan teman-temannya mendapat julukan istimewa…
Orlin Ara Atanau, si murid baru dari Sumba mengajak teman-temannya mencari Cendana dan Gaharu yang sudah langka. Mereka menjelajah tanah di bawah angin, mengikuti jalur rempah yang pada berabad-abad lalu dilakukan oleh para pelaut. Akankah mereka menemukan rajanya parfum ini?