Businesses, philanthropies and non-profit entities are increasingly successful in capturing public funds to support private provision of schooling in developed and developing countries. Coupled with market-based reforms that include weak regulation, control over workforces, standardization of processes and economies of scale, private provision of schooling is often seen to be convenient for bot…
Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, which in recent years has been the engine of global economic growth , this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TVET provision is the rapid pace of technological c…
Das Relationship Marketing erfreut sich sowohl in der Marketing-Praxis als auch in der Marketing-Wissenschaft einer bereits hohen und weiter steigenden Popularität. Innerhalb des Marketing-Management ist dabei immer häufiger von der Ablösung des klassischen Transaktionsmarketing die Rede. Die damit einhergehende These vom Paradigmenwechsel im Marketing-Management weg vom Transaktionsmarketin…
Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are powerful forces that will likely have large impacts on the size, direction, and composition of international trade flows. This book discusses how industrial robots, automation, and AI affect international growth, trade, productivity, employment, wages, and welfare. The book explains new approaches on how robots and artificial intelligence affect the w…