The evolution of activism against the expansion of copyright in the digital domain, with case studies of resistance including eBook and iTunes hacks.The movement against restrictive digital copyright protection arose largely in response to the excesses of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998. In The Digital Rights Movement, Hector Postigo shows that what began as an assertion of …
What if we could start with a blank slate, and write ourselves a brand new copyright system? What if we could design a law, from scratch, unconstrained by existing treaty obligations, business models and questions of political feasibility? Would we opt for radical overhaul, or would we keep our current fundamentals? Which parts of the system would we jettison? Which would we keep? In short, wha…
Technological and economic concerns have long been the drivers of debate about copyright. But diverse disciplines in the humanities - including literary studies, aesthetics, film studies, and the philosophy of art - have a great deal to offer if we wish to establish a more nuanced and useful conception of copyright and authorship. This volume brings together scholars from a range of disciplines…
The emergence of the Internet and the digital world has changed the way people access, produce and share information and knowledge. Yet people in Africa face challenges in accessing scholarly publications, journals and learning materials in general. At the heart of these challenges, and solutions to them, is copyright, the branch of intellectual property rights that covers written and related w…
Buku “Made With CC” menceritakan sejarah singkat yang penuh inspirasi mengenai pendirian model bisnis terbuka dengan menerapkan lisensi CC yang dilakukan oleh pebisnis, organisasi, atau pencipta dengan tetap memeroleh keuntungan. Namun perlu diingat tujuan utama dari pembuatan buku ini bukan semata-mata untuk memberitahukan model bisnis terbuka dengan menggunakan CC, melainkan mengumpulkan …
This handbook provide clear yet sufficiently comprehensive guidelines for situations that may arise in connection with plagiarism in the day-to-day academic routine. The handbook offers the opportunity to consider not only the aspects of originality in student work and how to explain the importance of source referencing to students and forms of plagiarism, but also how to recognise plagiarism a…
In this handbook you’ll learn: – how to formulate your own ideas – how to correctly reference different sources – what exactly constitutes plagiarism – how to avoid various forms of plagiarism – examples of (in)famous cases of plagiarism – three tips against plagiarism – and finally, some advice for avoiding time pressure.