In the United States, preschool education is characterized by the dominance of a variegated private sector and patchy, uncoordinated oversight of the public sector. Tracing the history of the American debate over preschool education, Andrew Karch argues that the current state of decentralization and fragmentation is the consequence of a chain of reactions and counterreactions to policy decision…
The practice of inclusive education—or inclusion—within general education classrooms is becoming more prevalent within early childhood settings. To successfully deliver classroom curriculums, promote learner growth, and meet the goals of all students served within inclusive settings, teachers must have a basic understanding of the unique learning needs of all students, including those with …
The collection brings together the latest work of researchers from Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe focusing on early childhood leadership matters. It covers different aspects of leadership in early education: professional education and development, identity and leadership strategies as well as governance and leadership under different frame conditions.
In today's seemingly globalized world, but full of rivalry between nations, races, and religions; confronted with different worldviews, ideologies, values and interests; the chances of peaceful co-existence seem to be rare. This work however envisages possible coexistence through a pedagogical approach. Today's global challenges have prompted the call for global values despite the heterogeneity…
Welcome to learning about how to effectively plan curriculum for young children. This textbook will address: - Developing curriculum through the planning cycle - Theories that inform what we know about how children learn and the best ways for teachers to support learning - The three components of developmentally appropriate practice - Importance and value of play and intentional teaching …
Early childhood education and care has been a political priority in England since 1997, when government finally turned its attention to this long-neglected area. Public funding has increased, policy initiatives have proliferated and at each general election political parties aim to outbid each other in their offer to families. Transforming Early Childhood in England: Towards a Democratic Educat…