Inter-individual variation in speech is a topic of increasing interest both in human sciences and speech technology. It can yield important insights into biological, cognitive, communicative, and social aspects of language. Written by specialists in psycholinguistics, phonetics, speech development, speech perception and speech technology, this volume presents experimental and modeling studies t…
In English, phonological double consonants only occur across morphological boundaries, for example, in affixation (e.g. in unnatural, innumerous). There are two possibilities for the phonetic realization of these morphological geminates: Either the phonological double is realized with a longer duration than a phonological singleton (gemination), or it is of the same duration as a singleton cons…
Untuk melestarikan bahasa daerah yang terancam punah, perlu dilakukan pendokumentasian melalui penelitian. Salah satu bahasa yang diteliti ialah bahasa Hitu dialek Hitu. Bahasa Hitu merupakan salah satu bahasa yang dituturkan di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Provinsi Maluku. Bahasa Hitu terdiri atas 15 dialek, salah satunya dialek Hitu. Buku ini mengulas fonetik dan fonologi bahasa Hitu dialek Hitu …