The well-known challenges of international migration have triggered new departures in academic approaches, with 'diaspora studies' evolving as an interdisciplinary and even transdisciplinary field of study. Its emerging methodology shares concerns with another interdisciplinary field, the study of the relations between law and literature, which focuses on the ways in which the two cultural prac…
Intellectual, biological and cultural property rights are a powerful and debatable topic. They offer the possibility for protection of rights to intangible resources, including the products of knowledge and creativity. The forces of globalisation have made this subject of immediate, international concern. Struggles for ownership of intellectual property occur between and within local and global…
Keberadaan masyarakat hukum adat di Indonesia hingga saat ini belum berada dalam keadaan yang stabil, baik dari segi politik, hukum, budaya, maupun ekonomi. Bahkan, sering kali dijumpai konflik yang terjadi di masyarakat hukum adat yang bertolakbelakang dengan kepentingan negara. Meskipun demikian, tidak semua masyarakat saling berkonflik, masih terdapat masyarakat yang berusaha menjaga kebuday…
Seri Hukum, HAM, dan Pemerintahan mengulas isu tentang hukum, hak asasi manusia, dan pemerintahan, serta rekomendasi untuk mencapai tujuan Indonesia Emas 2045. Bunga rampai ini membahas poin ke-16 SDGs, yaitu perdamaian, keadilan, dan kelembagaan yang tangguh. Secara umum, target dalam SDGs ke-16 dapat direalisasikan melalui pembentukan hukum dan sistem yang baik terhadap beberapa aspek, yaitu …
The Internet is not an unchartered territory. On the Internet, norms matter. They interact, regulate, are contested and legitimated by multiple actors. But are they diverse and unstructured, or are they part of a recognizable order? And if the latter, what does this order look like? This collected volume explores these key questions while providing new perspectives on the role of law in time…