In this volume the contributors use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to reassess both historic and contemporary Asian countries and traditionally Islamic areas. This highly illustrated and comprehensive work highlights how GIS can be applied to the social sciences. With its description of how to process, construct and manage geographical data the book is ideal for the non-specialist looki…
In recent decades, traditional methods of philology and intellectual history, applied to the study of Islam and Muslim societies, have been met with considerable criticism from rising generations of scholars who have turned to the social sciences, most notably anthropology and social history, for guidance. This change has been accompanied by the rise of new fields, studying, for example, Islam …
Until currently there have been no specific publications, particularly in English, on women in traditional Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, known as pesantren, which played a significant role in shaping the gender issues in the Indonesian Muslim community. This informative and insightful book contributes to two booming fields in Indonesian studies: the study of Islam and the study…
This volume provides new insights in the concept of shari’a in the West, and sets out a framework of how shari’a in the West can be studied. The premise of this volume is that one needs to focus on the question ‘What do Muslims do in terms of shari’a?’ rather than ‘What is shari’a?’. This perspective shows that the practice of Sharia is restricted to a limited set of rules that …
Over the past decade the Middle East has undergone huge geopolitical shifts, including widespread war and violence, the collapse of numerous regimes, a changing American role, a restored Russian presence, and the emergence of ISIS. In this book Graham Fuller addresses the character of these shifts and how they will shape the future of this tumultuous region as well as the role of major outside …
How does language work? How does language produce truth and beauty? Eleventh-century Arabic scholarship has detailed answers to these universal questions. Language Between God and the Poets reads the theory of four major scholars and asks how the conceptual vocabulary they shared enabled them to create theory in lexicography, theology, logic, and poetics. Their ideas engaged God and poetry at t…
Since the rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the traditional Islamic schools known as the madrasa have frequently been portrayed as hotbeds of terrorism. For much longer, the madrasa has been considered by some as a backward and petrified impediment to social progress. However, for an important segment of the poor Muslim populations of Asia, madrasas constitute the only accessible form of educat…
Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm explores the emerging ethical theory examines the development of this modern Islamic theory of the trusteeship paradigm as developed by the Moroccan philosopher Taha Abderrahmane (b. 1944). The volume, with contributions in English and Arabic, examines the development of this modern Islamic theory of ethics and how it permeates various disciplines: ph…
Pada tataran kajian akademik, masyarakat Muslim Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) agak diabaikan karena studi dan publikasi tentang mereka masih sangat langka. Pada hal mereka sudah menetap di wilayah itu sejak abad ke-16 ketika para saudagar dan misionaris Portugis serta Belanda tiba disana. Para perintis Islam di NTT itu telah tiba disana pada kurun waktu yang sama ketika berbagai komunitas Muslim la…
As Muslim women continue to be a focus of media-led debate, Naaz Rashid uses original scholarship and empirical research to examine how Muslim women are represented in policy discourse and how the trope of the Muslim woman is situated within national debates about Britishness, the death of multiculturalism and global concerns over international terrorism.
The Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements offers a multinational study of Islam, its variants, influences, and neighbouring movements, from a multidisciplinary range of scholars. These chapters highlight the diversity of Islam, especially in its contemporary manifestations, as a religion of many communities, theologies, and ideologies. Over five sections—on Sunni, Shia, Sufi, fundamentalist…
In this comprehensive open access book, written for readers from any or no religious background, Leena El-Ali does something remarkable. Never before has anyone taken on every last claim relating to Islam and women and countered it not just with Qur’anic evidence to the contrary, but with easy-to-use tools available to all. How can a woman’s testimony be worth half of a man’s? How can men…
Di Perpustakaan Nasional RI tersimpan koleksi naskah kuno. Naskahnaskah tersebut berjumlah 12 ribuan lebih dari sejumlah itu terdapat koleksi naskah Arab yang lebih kurang berjumlah 900 buah. Dari sejumlah naskah Arab tersebut, terdapat naskah yang berjudul “Al-Manasik Al-Qubra” dengan nomor kolekasi A 431 yang menarik untuk ditransliterasi. Naskah ini berisi tentang Tassawuf. Naskah Arab k…
The articles included in this Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam are focused on two perspectives: Some link the comparative analysis of Islam to ongoing debates on the Axial Age and its role in the formation of major civilizational complexes, while others are more concerned with the historical constellations and sources involved in the formation of Islam as a religion and a civilization. More t…
Di Perpustakaan Nasional RI tersimpan koleksi naskah kuno. Naskah-naskah tersebut berjumlah 12 ribuan lebih dari sejumlah itu terdapat koleksi naskah Arab yang lebih kurang berjumlah 900 buah. Dari sejumlah naskah Arab tersebut, terdapat naskah yang berjudul “Munajah Musa Ibn Imran” dengan nomor koleksi A 417 yang menarik untuk ditransliterasi. Naskah ini berisi tentang Tassawuf. Naskah Ara…
Di Perpustakaan Nasional RI tersimpan koleksi naskah kuno. Naskahnaskah tersebut berjumlah 12 ribuan lebih dan dari sejumlah itu terdapat koleksi naskah Arab yang lebih kurang berjumlah 900 buah. Dalam naskahnaskah tersebut memuat berbagai kandungan isi, di antaranya: al-Qur’an, hadist, tauhid dan tasawuf, fiqih (hukum), biografi, riwayat kenabian, ilmu pengetahuan, ilmu nahwu/sharaf, dan ilm…
This open access book addresses, for the first time, Islamic social work as an emerging concept at the interface of Islamic thought and social sciences. Applying a multidisciplinary approach it explores, on the one hand, the discourse that provides religious legitimisation to social work activities and, on the other hand, case studies of practical fields of Islamic social work including educati…
Dalam rangka penyelamatan isi yang terkandung dalam karya budaya bangsa, khususnya yang terkandung dalam karya tulis yang berupa naskah kuno, Perpustakaan Nasional RI menerbitkan hasil transliterasi naskah Melayu yang berjudul Hayat Al-Kulub (W 23), Pemilihan naskah ini didasarkan pada kondisi naskah yang sudah cukup rapuh dan aksara naskah yang jarang diketahui masyarakat saat ini.
Alasan penulis memilih naskah ini ialah karena beberapa hal. Pertama, dibanding teks yang lain dalam naskah ML 420, hikayat tentang Samud ini lebih lengkap dan jelas. Kedua, ternyata kajian tentang Samud Ibnu Salam sudah banyak dilakukan, namun rata-rata naskah berbahasa Jawa, berkasara Jawa Kuno/ Hanacaraka dan Pegon, sedangkan bahasa Melayu dengan aksara Jawi belum ditemukan. Ketiga, teks ini…
The eight articles published in this Special Issue present original, empirical research, using various methods of data collection and analysis, in relation to topics that are pertinent to the study of Islam and Muslims in Australia. The contributors include long-serving scholars in the field, mid-career researchers, and early career researchers who represent many of Australia’s universities e…
The Shi’i Ismaili Muslims of Central Asia have a complex political history. This open access book is the first English-language study of the Ismaili Muslims in this region, based on analysis of the Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet scholarship about them. It sheds new light on their history and heritage, and also shows how the Ismailis of Central Asia have been understood and presented in the a…
In this comprehensive open access book, written for readers from any or no religious background, Leena El-Ali does something remarkable. Never before has anyone taken on every last claim relating to Islam and women and countered it not just with Qur’anic evidence to the contrary, but with easy-to-use tools available to all. How can a woman’s testimony be worth half of a man’s? How can men…
In this open-access monograph, Paul Weller explores how the movement known as Hizmet (meaning “service”) is undergoing a period of transitions in Europe. Inspired by the teaching and practice of the Turkish Islamic scholar, Fethullah Gülen, Hizmet has been active in Europe (and other continents) for several decades. It has always been subject to some degree of contestation, which has inten…
In this open-access monograph, Paul Weller explores how the movement known as Hizmet (meaning “service”) is undergoing a period of transitions in Europe. Inspired by the teaching and practice of the Turkish Islamic scholar, Fethullah Gülen, Hizmet has been active in Europe (and other continents) for several decades. It has always been subject to some degree of contestation, which has inten…
The contributions to the present volume show that the countries that are often presented in the literature as forming part of a stereotypical and seemingly monolithic “Islamic world” in fact represent considerable diversity. From Iran to Senegal, we encounter a vast array of social and religious structures, historical trajectories, political regimes and relative positions of societies and i…
The contributions to the present volume show that the countries that are often presented in the literature as forming part of a stereotypical and seemingly monolithic “Islamic world” in fact represent considerable diversity. From Iran to Senegal, we encounter a vast array of social and religious structures, historical trajectories, political regimes and relative positions of societies and i…