This ground-breaking book explores the points of convergence between corporate capitalism and terrorist practice. Assessing the increase in the number of terrorist attacks directed against commercial entities in urban areas, such as the Westgate mall in Nairobi or the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, Suzi Mirgani offers a fascinating and disturbing perspective on the spaces where supposedly oppo…
As marketing specialists know all too well, our experience of products is prefigured by brands: trademarks that identify a product and differentiate it from its competitors. This process of branding has hitherto gained little academic discussion in the field of literary studies. Literary authors and the texts they produce, though, are constantly 'branded': from the early modern period onwards, …
This open access Pivot demonstrates how a variety of technologies act as innovation catalysts within the banking and financial services sector. Traditional banks and financial services are under increasing competition from global IT companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and PayPal whilst facing pressure from investors to reduce costs, increase agility and improve customer retention. Technolog…
This updated edition of Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector provides a thorough overview of the major concepts in public sector marketing and communications, two fields that have continued to grow in importance for modern public administrations. With extended coverage of topics such as social marketing and institutional communication, the authors skilfully build on the …
The evolution of the game industry and changes in the advertising landscape in recent years have led to a keen interest of marketers in using digital games for advertising purposes. However, despite the increasing interest in this marketing strategy, the potential of digital games as a medium to convey advertising messages remains unexploited.*Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape* explo…
This open access book have three themes have been central to Leydesdorff's research: (1) the dynamics of science, technology, and innovation; (2) the scientometric operationalization of these concept; and (3) the elaboration in terms of a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations. In this study, I discuss the relations among these themes. Using Luhmann's social-systems theory for…
This Open Access book presents recent research and hot topics in the field of real estate science in Japan. It features carefully selected English translations of peer-reviewed papers and excellent articles published in the Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences, as well as papers presented at the Japan Association of Real Estate Sciences (JARES) annual conference. The topics covered incl…
Corporate executives immersed in the turbulent markets of today face a world not of clear cut moral dilemmas such as right or wrong, or good or evil, but instead must confront large corporate grey areas of lesser good, lesser evil, less true, less unfair, and less unjust. Often these choices become almost indistinguishable. Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Markets: Executive Response to Market Ch…
This open access volume of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation offers the first comprehensive legal and regulatory analysis of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD). The IDD came into force on 1 October 2018 and regulates the distribution of insurance products in the EU. The book examines the main changes accompanying the IDD and analyses its impact on insurance…
Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has become a standard approach for analyzing complex inter-relationships between observed and latent variables. Researchers appreciate the many advantages of PLS-SEM such as the possibility to estimate very complex models and the method’s flexibility in terms of data requirements and measurement specification. This practical open…
This open access book presents three future consumption trends—technology, sustainability, and wellbeing—and discusses what impact those trends will have on the ways we shop. What will be important to the consumers of the future? And how will their retail experiences look and feel? Will technology, sustainability, and wellbeing trends fundamentally change how we consume? And how should …