This open access book presents a person-centered exploration of student profiles, using variables related to motivation to do school mathematics derived from the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) data. Statistical cluster analysis is used to identify groups of students with similar motivational profiles, across grades and over time, for multiple participating…
Today’s approaches to the study of the human mind are divided into seemingly opposed camps. On one side we find the neurosciences, with their more or less reductionist research programs, and on the other side we find the cultural and discursive approaches, with their frequent neglect of the material sides of human life. Persons and their Minds seeks to develop an integrative theory of the min…
Motor skills are a vital part of healthy development and are featured prominently both in physical examinations and in parents’ baby diaries. It has been known for a long time that motor development is critical for children’s understanding of the physical and social world. Learning occurs through dynamic interactions and exchanges with the physical and the social world, and consequently mov…
This volume examines the phenomenon of fake news by bringing together leading experts from different fields within psychology and related areas, and explores what has become a prominent feature of public discourse since the first Brexit referendum and the 2016 US election campaign. Dealing with misinformation is important in many areas of daily life, including politics, the marketplace, health …
This is a century of political and cultural imperialism, of wars about borders and control of resources, of world-wide trade and profit based on worldwide exploitation. It is also a century of revolution, and of fierce debate about rights and laws, about the right to follow a religion or to reject it, about policing and its limits. It is a century of violence, and it provokes violent reactions.…
Play benefits all children, and has protective and preventative functions. Yet there is not a single, universally agreed definition of child health, nor of children's play. This makes insights from around the globe, highlighting the under-recognized link between the two, highly valuable. Theorists and practitioners evidence the healing power of play and positive health outcomes through interven…
Mengajarkan musik tentunya juga membutuhkan suatu teori dan referensi. Khususnya kepada anak-anak, ada beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan musik. Buku ini menujukkan beberapa pendekatan pembelajaran tersebut, mulai dari hal-hal yang penting dilakukan untuk mengajarkan musik kepada anak, strategi mengajarkan teori musik, hingga metode-metode populer yang diajarkan di sekol…
Trauma presents as a negative experience or situation of an individual in which coping mechanisms do not always work perfectly. This leads to the appearance of disturbing behavior, thinking, or developing disorders in the area of mental illnesses. Psychological trauma is related to chronic and repetitive experiences and the term and situation that refer to it must be consider objectively becaus…