n this bold and original study, Jeff Kochan constructively combines the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) with Martin Heidegger’s early existential conception of science. Kochan shows convincingly that these apparently quite different approaches to science are, in fact, largely compatible, even mutually reinforcing. By combining Heidegger with SSK, Kochan argues, we can explicate, elab…
Eating Disorders have traditionally been considered apart from public health concerns about increasing obesity. It is evident that these problems are, however, related in important ways. Comorbid obesity and eating disorder is increasing at a faster rate than either obesity or eating disorders alone and one in five people with obesity also presents with an Eating Disorder, commonly but not limi…
A Table for One explores the links between female singlehood and social time, juxtaposing two theoretical fields that are rarely linked: the social study of time and the study of singlehood. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book paves the way for a new theorisation of singlehood which will put it at the fore of deconstructive critical thinking and on the feminist agenda. Although…
Orasi ini menggunakan perspektif sosiologi feminisme untuk menunjukkan lemahnya representasi perempuan dan upaya resistansinya. Representasi adalah penggambaran eksistensi perempuan dalam relasi sosial yang bisa diamati melalui teks. Problematika representasi terlihat pada gender/feminisme (g/f selanjutnya) tidak hadir dalam keilmuan; kontribusi gerakan perempuan dan jejaring velvet strategy te…
his collection brings together a variety of anthropological, historical and sociological case studies from Central Asia and the Caucasus to examine the concept of translocality. The chapters scrutinize the capacity of translocality to describe, in new ways, the multiple mobilities, exchange practices and globalizing processes that link places, people and institutions in Central Asia and the Cau…
Literasi keagamaan merupakan unsur sangat penting dalam kehidupan sosial-keagamaan masyarakat khususnya, dan kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara umumnya. Studi-studi sosologi agama dan pembangunan tentang hubungan literasi keagamaan dengan efektivitas pembangunan di berbagai negara multireligi dan multikultural memperlihatkan bahwa literasi keagamaan merupakan faktor pendorong (…