The well-known challenges of international migration have triggered new departures in academic approaches, with 'diaspora studies' evolving as an interdisciplinary and even transdisciplinary field of study. Its emerging methodology shares concerns with another interdisciplinary field, the study of the relations between law and literature, which focuses on the ways in which the two cultural prac…
Along with the theoretical or traditionally historical question “What is literature?”, the critical and political question “What can literature do?” begs an answer. What value do contemporary society and culture ascribe to literature? What utility? What role? “My confidence in the future of literature”, wrote Italo Calvino, consists in the knowledge that there are things that only l…
Neuroscientists often consider free will to be an illusion. Contrary to this hypothesis, the contributions to this volume show that recent developments in neuroscience can also support the existence of free will. Firstly, the possibility of intentional consciousness is studied. Secondly, Libet’s experiments are discussed from this new perspective. Thirdly, the relationship between free will, …
This book provides a well-documented analysis of the strategy of the Salim Group, one of the largest family conglomerates in Southeast Asia. Using a multitude of sources, including interviews with the Salim family and Salim Group managers, the author provides a comprehensive corporate biography of this fascinating family firm. The Rhythm of Strategy: A Corporate Biography of the Salim Group of …
Literary Coteries and the Making of Modern Print Culture, 1740-1790 offers the first study of manuscript-producing coteries as an integral element of eighteenth-century Britain’s literary culture. As a corrective to literary histories assuming that the dominance of print meant the demise of a vital scribal culture, the book profiles four interrelated and influential coteries, focusing on each…
Dostoevsky attached introductions to his most challenging narratives, including Notes from the House of the Dead, Notes from Underground, The Devils, The Brothers Karamazov, and “A Gentle Creature.” Despite his clever attempts to call his readers’ attention to these introductions, they have been neglected as an object of study for over 150 years. That oversight is rectified in First Words…
Archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem capture worldwide attention in various media outlets. The continuing quest to discover the city’s physical remains is not simply an attempt to define Israel’s past or determine its historical legacy. In the context of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is also an attempt to legitimate—or undercut—national claims to sovereignty. Bridging …
In this broad-reaching, multi-disciplinary collection, leading scholars investigate how the digital medium has altered the way we read and write text. In doing so, it challenges the very notion of scholarship as it has traditionally been imagined. Incorporating scientific, socio-historical, materialist and theoretical approaches, this rich body of work explores topics ranging from how computers…
Buku ini menggambarkan motif dalam cerita asal-usul suku dan nenek moyang yang terdapat di pulau Alor, Pura, dan Pantar Kabupaten Alor, NTT. Adapun beberapa motif yang terdapat dalam cerita asal-usul nenek moyang yang berhasil dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini meliputi motif nenek moyang turun dari langit, nenek moyang sebagai pencipta, penjelmaan makhluk, kepemilikan benda ajaib, nenek moyang m…
"Schiller’s play Kabale und Liebe, usually translated into English as Love and Intrigue, represents the disastrous consequences that follow when social constraint, youthful passion, and ruthless scheming collide in a narrow setting. Written between 1782 and 1784, the play bears the marks of life at the court of the despotic Duke of Württemberg, from which Schiller had just fled, and of a fra…
From Outbreak to The Walking Dead, apocalyptic narratives of infection, contagion and global pandemic are an inescapable part of twenty-first-century popular culture. Yet these fears and fantasies are too virulent to be simply quarantined within fictional texts. The vocabulary and metaphors of outbreak narratives have permeated how news media, policymakers and the general public view the real w…
"Edited by Kris Rutten, Stefaan Blancke, and Ronald Soetaert, Perspectives on Science and Culture explores the intersection between scientific understanding and cultural representation from an interdisciplinary perspective. Contributors to the volume analyze representations of science and scientific discourse from the perspectives of rhetorical criticism, comparative cultural studies, narratolo…
Informasi optimalisasi proses pembuatan tepung mocaf ini difokuskan untuk menumbuhkembangkan usaha berbasis UMKM sehingga pendekatan optimalisasi teknologi tepat guna penting dilakukan. Buku ini juga merangkum hasil-hasil penelitian untuk mengoptimalkan seluruh proses pembuatan tepung mocaf, baik yang dilakukan oleh LIPI maupun pihak-pihak lain di dalam dan luar negeri. Bunga rampai ini tida…
Berbagai sisi penting mushaf kuno Nusantara sampai saat ini belum banyak diteliti,5 baik menyangkut sejarah penulisannya maupun sisi visualnya, yaitu iluminasi dan kaligrafi. Keduanya sangat menarik untuk dikaji, namun penelitian ini hanya akan memfokuskan pada aspek kaligrafinya. Berdasarkan kajian sementara, kaligrafi dalam Mushaf secara umum terdiri atas empat bagian: (1) kaligrafi teks (na�…
Sejalan dengan rencana strategis Perpustakaan Nasional untuk menjalankan fungsinya sebagai perpustakaan pusat penelitian juga pusat pelestarian pernaskahan Nusantara, maka kegiatan alih-aksara, alih-bahasa, saduran dan kajian naskah kuno berbasis kompetisi perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya akselerasi percepatan penelitian naskah kuno yang berkualitas, memenuhi standar penelitian filologis, serta mu…
Buku ini berusaha menyajikan pembahasan gunung berdasarkan konteks ketuhanan, sejarah, budaya, bentang alam, hingga hubungannya dengan ekologi. Melalui buku ini, penulis mengajak pembaca untuk tidak hanya sekadar mendaki ketinggian pengetahuan gunung, melainkan juga menyelami kedalaman kebijaksanaan gunung. Teologi Gunung Pada bagian “teologi gunung”, dalam buku ini dipaparkan…
Teks yang mengambil siklus cerita wayang purwa ini berisi cerita Pandawa dan keadaan Kerajaan Astina setelah perang Baratayuda yang disajikan dalam bentuk tembang macapat. Beberapa peristiwa setelah perang Baratayuda dalam teks SK antara lain adalah munculnya kereta kencana di Astina, moksanya Begawan Destarata, lahirnya Parikesit, munculnya kembali Aswatama, Kartamarma, dan Karpa (Kurawa yang …
Teknologi pengolahan pakan memegang peranan penting dalam industri peternakan, mulai dari penyediaan bahan pakan hingga pakan jadi. Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi LIPI sebagai pelaksana kegiatan di Technopark Banyumulek telah membantu alih teknologi dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan pakan sapi. Teknologi pengolahan pakan sapi meliputi silase, konsentrat, dan probiotik menjadi priorit…
Rozman shows how East Asia’s international relations over three decades can be best understood through the lens of triangles, analyzing relations between the key nations through a series of trilateral relationships. He argues that triangles present a convincing answer to the question of whether we had entered a new era of bipolarity like the Cold War or an age of multipolarity. Triangulation …
This book about Balinese traditional medicinal plants serves as an effort to disseminate information about various types of medicinal plants collected by Bali Botanical Gardens along with the information on their uses by the people of Bali. The Balinese people have created these recipes for generations and are a leading example for the rest of the world to follow. Written through collaboration …
AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society: Applications in High-Impact Sectors brings together examples from the "Innovative Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence for Andalusia 2025" project at the University of Seville, a series of sub-projects composed of research groups and different institutions or companies that explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in a variety of high-im…
Our minds have physical effects. This happens, for instance, when we move our bodies when we act. How is this possible? Thomas Kroedel defends an account of mental causation in terms of difference-making: if our minds had been different, the physical world would have been different; therefore, the mind causes events in the physical world. His account not only explains how the mind has physical …
Ada tiga permasalahan utama dalam pengelolaan embung di NTT, yaitu 1), permasalahan degradasi daerah tangkapan air (catchment area), rendahnya penutupan vegetasi dan keanekaragaman jenis, tataguna lahan, kebakaran padang savana, laju aliran permukaan dan erosi; 2) permasalahan pada kolam embung (water storage), meliputi tingginya laju sedimentasi, infiltrasi dan evaporasi15, retak dan longsoran…
Juan Herrera maps 1960s Chicano Movement activism in the Latinx neighborhood of Fruitvale in Oakland, California, showing how activists there constructed a politics forged through productions of space.
Juan Herrera maps 1960s Chicano Movement activism in the Latinx neighborhood of Fruitvale in Oakland, California, showing how activists there constructed a politics forged through productions of space.
Kemampuan menulis yang baik bisa menjadi sebuah nilai tambah bagi karyawan perusahaan. Karyawan sering dihadapkan pada tugas membuat berbagai tulisan pendek terkait komunikasi perusahaan, seperti membuat teks pidato, rubrik komunikasi, artikel opini, storyline video, teks poster, dan sebagainya. Buku ini akan memberikan panduan bagi karyawan dalam membuat berbagai format tulisan tersebut. Selai…
Hutan merupakan salah satu unsur penting penopang keberlangsungan Bumi dan kehidupan manusia. Selain sebagai penyedia oksigen dan pengatur cadangan air, hutan juga berperan penting dalam menyediakan habitat bagi berbagai macam jenis flora dan fauna, terutama yang sudah langka dan terancam punah. Hutan di Nusakambangan merupakan satu-satunya hutan pamah yang tersisa di daerah Jawa Tengah dan men…
Berbagai perspektif mengatasi stagnasi dan pemantapan pertumbuhan ekonomi berkualitas disajikan dalam buku ini, baik pada tingkat wilayah maupun agregat nasional. Aspek bahasan dalam buku ini terbagi menjadi dua tema strategis pendukung. Pertama, Problematika aksi korporasi dan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang membahas peningkatan kinerja BUMN, dan kebijakan makro ekonomi serta program pemu…