The importance of adult education is growing steadily— be it in relation with migration, matters of inclus - ion, the work place etc. Thus, this international perspective on the most important research issues in adult education is a wealth of knowledge for anyone related to this field. The book is composed as a text book and thus, provides didactic material for discussion and further explorat…
New developments - scientific, technical, societal and political - influence not only the agenda for research but also research structures, resource requirements (human and otherwise), education and training programs and interfaces with partners and the users of research. They also have an impact on research funding and management and the way research is evaluated and monitored. This book deals…
Big Data collected by customer-facing organisations – such as smartphone logs, store loyalty card transactions, smart travel tickets, social media posts, or smart energy meter readings – account for most of the data collected about citizens today. As a result, they are transforming the practice of social science. Consumer Big Data are distinct from conventional social science data not only …
In 2010 the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science were published. These principles were founded upon the idea that Science is based on building on, reusing and openly criticising the published body of scientific knowledge’ ( and they provide a succinct list of the fundamentals to observe when making your data open. Intended for a broad audience of academics, p…
This book is certainly different from previous publications in several respects. First, it is the only book to include an analysis of eight African universities based on the full 15 years of empirical data collected by the project. It is true that the data are available in the report ‘An Empirical Overview of Emerging Research Universities in Africa 2001-2015’ and as open data on the web. …
Pengambilan sampel, khususnya spesimen darah, pada penelitian bidang medis memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Ini dikarenakan darah merupakan spesimen yang paling mudah mengalami perubahan jika sudah dikeluarkan dari tubuh, baik akibat faktor fisiologis maupun lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, jika ditangani dengan tidak tepat, sampel tersebut dapat memberikan informasi klinis yang berbeda. Buku di …
Fokus penelitian ini adalah mengenai studi iklim masa lampau dengan menggunakan arsip karang Scleractinia atau disebut juga karang batu dari genus Porites. Kombinasi karang hidup dan mati menyediakan data iklim secara kontinu dari masa kini ke ribuan tahun bahkan ratusan ribu tahun lampau dengan resolusi bulanan. Kandungan geokimia karang dapat digunakan untuk merekonstruksi suhu permukaan laut…
Never have the scope and limits of scientific freedom been more important or more under attack. New science, from artificial intelligence to genomic manipulation, creates unique opportunities to make the world a better place. But it also presents unprecedented dangers, which many believe threaten the survival of humanity and the planet. This collection, by an international and multidisciplinary…
Kemajuan suatu bangsa sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuannya menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Generasi peneliti baru yang berkompeten harus terus diciptakan untuk mempercepat penguasaan iptek. Tujuan utamanya agar manfaat iptek dapat langsung dirasakan oleh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, buku panduan ini merupakan sebuah usaha untuk memberikan petunjuk kepada para peneliti pemula tentang b…
Keberhasilan suatu penelitian ilmiah dipengaruhi oleh ketepatan metodologi yang digunakan. Peneliti pemula sering mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami dan menentukan metodologi penelitian sehingga proses penelitian yang dilakukan sering tidak terlaksana dengan baik sesuai standar kaidah ilmiah. Hal ini menyebabkan luaran yang dihasilkan tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan tepat serta tingkat k…