This book studies the political and institutional project of Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya, the official translation of the Qurʾān into Indonesian by the Indonesian government. It investigates how the translation was produced and presented, and how it is read, as well as considering the implications of the state’s involvement in such a work. Lukman analyses the politicisation of the Qurʾān …
Catalogue of Sumatran Big Lakes is a compilation of data and information of eight large lakes in Sumatra Island, namely Lake Laut Tawar, Lake Toba, Lake Maninjau, Lake Singkarak, Lake Diatas, Lake Dibawah, Lake Ranau, and Lake Kerinci. The information of the lakes is presented briefly and covers various aspects, such as its water quality, geographical position, physical dimension, and biologica…
Danau Toba merupa kan satu dari 15 danau prioritas program pemerintah untuk menyelamatkan ekosistem danau di Indonesia dari kepunahan akibat kerusakan. Peran Danau Toba sebagai danau terluas di Indonesia tidak dimung kiri lagi sangat pen ting untuk menunjang kehidupan manusia, baik masyarakat lokal maupun mancanegara. Hal ini sesuai dengan visi danau dunia bahwa permasalahan danau di suatu nega…