" Is reduced tillage in arable fields beneficial for farmland biodiversity? Is prescribed burning in grasslands beneficial for bird conservation? Does livestock exclusion from degraded peatlands benefit peatland conservation? Is the provision of artificial shelters effective for subtidal benthic invertebrate conservation? Do wind turbine modifications reduce bat fatalities? Does adding topsoil …
Does the creation of artificial reefs benefit subtidal benthic invertebrates? Is the use of organic farming instead of conventional farming beneficial to bat conservation? Does installing wildlife warning reflectors along roads benefit mammal conservation? Does the installation of exclusion and/or escape devices on fishing nets benefit marine and freshwater mammal conservation? What Works…
Does the creation of artificial reefs benefit subtidal benthic invertebrates? Is the use of organic farming instead of conventional farming beneficial to bat conservation? Does installing wildlife warning reflectors along roads benefit mammal conservation? Does the installation of exclusion and/or escape devices on fishing nets benefit marine and freshwater mammal conservation? What Works in C…